
Working Dad

We had a discussion the other night at small group about finding Kingdom value in our 8-5 jobs. We are reading John Piper's "Don't Waste Your Life." (I highly recommend it!) I made the argument that in respect to finding value and meaning in the "daily-ness" of life, women have it easier than men. I'm now a stay-at-home Mom who works a little on the side, but even when I still worked full-time, I was a "working Mom." The moment I birthed our first-born and returned to work that became my title-"working Mom."

Sure, I worked at the corporate office of Chick-fil-A. Sure, I helped make Operator selection decisions. Sure, I contributed to our recruiting efforts across the country. But ask me (and anyone else for that matter) I was not an employee, I was a working Mom. Few things I did from 8-5 compared to the significance, joy and satisfaction of being Coop's Mom. It is ever more true now that I have three little ones for whom I am accountable.

Rarely (if ever) does anyone describe my beloved as a "working Dad." He, like most men, is defined almost exclusively by his career. Think about it. When you meet someone new one of the very first questions you'll ask is "so what do you do?" In the case of my beloved, the CEO, a catch all title for what he does is quite difficult to pin down-businessman, engineer, technical specialist, manager. He does a lot of things, and all of them excellently. However, the thing I think he does best is be a Dad. He works tirelessly most days more than 10 hours, and then spends the rest of his time wrestling with the big boys, showing them how to play video games, changing a diaper, feeding a rowdy crowd dinner, saying bedtime prayers.

Not unlike most Moms I know, his job is never done. He is a full-time employee and a 24/7 Dad, but rarely is he acknowledged as such. I don't expect my little blog will change societal mores, but it must change me.

I need to affirm my husband as the remarkable businessman AND father that he is. He doesn't do either in a vacuum. In each role he adds incredible value not only to the world and our family, but to the Kingdom. He is a man of incredible integrity. He seeks the welfare of others and success of his company at all times. He is zealous for excellence in all he does. He is quick to offer advice or prayer as the occasion arises.

If he finds it difficult to see the benefit of what he is doing perhaps he needs a more vocal cheerleader. What about the working Dad's in your life?

I love you darling. Thanks for being more than a man. You are my heart's desire. Our boys are immeasurably blessed.

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sweettea said...

So very true! It does change your perspective!


Deb said...

Hi Whitney,

I wanted to let you know that I read your article in this month's issue of P31 magazine.

I have been close to where you are now. It's ok to admit that you need help from friends and family. You're doing good. It will get easier!

Several months ago, I read a devo that you wrote. The one where you wanted to quit, but your husband kept encouraging you. You listened to him, and you were so glad that you didn't listen to your fears.

I just wanted you to know that your devotion helped me to face some of my fears.

Two months ago, I started a blog!

Thank you for sharing your experiences. You influenced me to take a step of faith.

Sweet dreams!

Jaime said...

I just read your article and have so been there. I have asked for help and my girlfriends are there and other times I have wanted to ask for help and didn't. Thanks for sharing your heart and being real. I am meeting with a girlfriend tonight that jsut had her third and this makes me think how can I be there for her. Thanks again Jaime

On Purpose said...

Great devotion this morning! This post here too is amazing! You write from a heart that is living in the center of Gods love and its beautiful! May God continue to bless you and your family.