Sheila Mangum, our Proverbs 31 Speaking Ministry Coordinators at
Our team will be happy to provide sample CD's, a ministry brochure with my topic overviews, references and testimonials.
You can also hear a sample of one of my talks under my "Meet Whitney" page. We look forward to hearing from you.
Hi, my name is Stormie. My boss and also my very good friend sent your site and told me I needed to look at it because you reminded her of me! Well I just wanted to let you know you are so totally not alone in what you talk about on your blog. I am so releaved that someone else is human. I always have good intentions but fall short all to often. Thank you for being a great inspiration for real (human) woman. God Bless you and I look forward to keeping up with you and yours.
Just loved your P31 devotion today...I felt like you were describing me and my walk lately. Thanks for the encouragement and reassurance that my need to retreat does not make me an aberration! I also loved the reminder to seek Him all day everyday and honor those quiet moments in my head with Him so I can better serve those through whom He has chosen to bless me. Blessing and peace,
Jen Schumacher
Hi my name is Amy and I too am a mom to 3 children under the age of 4. Your devotional sent tears spilling down my cheeks as I identified with your need for quiet time with our Father. I too wish I could find a consistent time and place for just myself and God and have struggled with the guilt of not being able to accomplish that. However, I haven't given myself credit for small, quick ways during the day that I am reflecting on Him and His word. Thank you for reminding me I'm only human and I'm doing the best I can!
Hi Whitney,
My name is also Whitney, and I just wanted to tell you how necessary and awesome I think the friendship project will be. After reading what you said on your blog about friendship, I realized that I do need to make a strive to be the friend God called me to be. Like you, I am a terrible friend and have been aware of it for quite some time. For a while, I just used the excuse that it's just "not my personality" to be the kind of friend I should be. Thank you for starting this project and I can't wait to be a part of it!
Lysa your testimony and books has been such a blessing and an inspiration in my life and spiritual walk. I was seriously contemplating a divorce and I received an email from a friend and the topic you were speaking on happened to be on marriage, GOD was truly speaking to me. Since that day which was less than a month ago I purchased What Happens When Women say Yes to GOD, read it and it truly ministered to my soul, Next I purchased Being more than a good bible study girl--Truly Awesome!! My husband bought me What Happens When Women Walk in Faith on yesterday, I am loving it already. I am called to ministry and I know this conference is for me. My grandmother always tell me that I should have been a counselor she also prophesied to me saying GOD was going to use me for his Glory and to minister to other young woman. I know that GOD has a calling on my life and I just want to do his will only. I came into contact with Proverbs 31 ministry by divine order and I know that through your ministry GOD is going to help me to help others. Be Blessed!! Love Ya!! Oh I also purchased a NIV study BIBLe I have a Bible but this one teaches the word more understandable.
I have just found your blog and I absolutely love it! I hope the Lord blesses you with time to blog more often. I have laughed out loud and I can totally relate to what you say. Thank you for being real, for being honest and for letting me know it's ok to be that way too. Looking forward to many more blog posts!
Shannon Currier
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