
Free to Be Me.

Hey guys. Yesterday's carnival was fantastic. You new friends are so fun. Thanks for taking the time to leave your "what I like about me" comments. I was astonished at how many Jesus-girls still struggle with being ourselves. "The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"-or wrinkled or dimply or freckled or saggy or flabby. Well you get the picture.

I hope we can endeavor together to give up on ourselves, and find Jesus-yes, more and more and more of Jesus.

The winner of the $30 gift card from Francesca's is Lisa Smith from lifeoflisasmith dot blogspot dot com. This sweet sister is beginning a fierce fight against cancer. Lisa, email me at with your address, and I'll get the certificate out to you. Find you something special and girly. Know when you wear it that this little community of the blogosphere will be praying for you.

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Shelly Wildman said...

I'm so happy Lisa won! I've been following her "adventure," and she definitely deserves it.

Lisa Smith said...

Awww...thanks!! I can't believe I won. This will be so fun to wear. Whitney, again, I love your blog and I think you're so cute!! Thanks!! love, lisa xoxo

Lisa Smith said...
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Melanie said...

Yay!!! Great choice, and Lisa, I'm so happy that you won. I'm praying for you!
Whitney -- LOVE your blog. The first post I read was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!

Sharon Sloan said...

Congratulations to Lisa! So excited for you! :) Do share what you choice once you spend the gift certificate!!!!

Jane from SC said...

I want to attend the She Speaks conference so badly. This year I made my decision to listen to God and stop furthering my education to teach nursing so I could further my education by reading God's Word and teaching it. What a ride it has been! I know He has great things in store for me and I feel that this conference will get me on my way to reach this journey He wants for me. Please consider me for this scholarship. My husband is not getting enough work even to pay the power bill let alone for me to come to the conference. I know God will provide and am praying that you will choose me for this wonderful opportunity. I had not heard of She Speaks conference until this year and when I felt God has called me to teach His Word to women again (which I did not 14 years and then stopped for 5 years)I felt like this was confirmation to get me on my journey that God has called me on with Him. Reading all these comments on all the blogs - wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us could go and meet each other and with all of us being trained and starting to lead and teach women throughout the United States - there would be GREAT REVIVAL among women!! Wouldn't that be awesome! I am so excited to be a part of all of this whether I am chosen or not to know that I am part of God's chosen women is a great honor! said...

Being chosenfor the Cecil Murphy She Speaks scholarship would be an honor. I am a 44 yo woman, married for 22 yrs, mother of 4, major bread winner, employed full time outside the home & own a small business as well. People look at me and see a completed woman living a blessed life. They seek out my advice and compliment me on "doing such a great job". What they don't know about are the events in my first 22yrs that occurred that have made my into the woman I am today. Some things I was so shameful of that I didn't even share with my husband until we had been married for 10 yrs. The people that know even part of my testimony are shocked that me, Little Miss Homemaker with the great husband, beautiful children and such talent in so many areas could actually be the same women I have just finished telling them about. Some have asked me to share my story with their church or small group but I know the Lord wants me to share it with large multitudes of women. He has set aside the precise place & moment. Being chosen the receive the Cecil Murphy She Speaks scholarship would allow for me to receive the instruction do just that. Thank you ~ Kelly Cooke Psalm 40:2 & Psalm 37:23